Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to Cody, Yee Haw!!!!

If you think you've visited what would be considered a cowboy town, you haven't seen anything until you've been to Cody, Wyoming. This city is home to a Buffalo Bill museum, and even more interesting, is chuck full of Taggart history, as some of the Taggarts were sent by Brigham Young to settle this city. We traveled to our neighboring state for the Taggart family reunion in August, with Jon's parents. It was a short trip, but we did a ton with the time!

Tag did excellent with the LONG drive! He was just glad to have mom and dad sitting on either side of him.

We took a couple of pit stops as driving through Yellowstone.

Our stay in Island Park.
We got absolutely soaked when we stopped to see a waterfall in Yellowstone, but it was well worth it!
We square danced the night away in Cody.
Jon and his Grandma Taggart. Notice the man in white with the mic behind them. This guy is the Derek Jeter of square dancing.
Bath time took place in the sinks.

Tag got loads of attention.
We cowboyed up for a Rodeo in Cody. I enjoyed some of it, but the calf roping made me cry:( I would only cheer if they got away.

Tag and his Grandma Bush at the Rodeo.


Erin said...

Looks like lots of fun.. your story telling always makes me laugh

Ashley Schoenfeld said...

YOu guys are a Hoot! We need to take us a trip to Cody! I definitely want to see Mike out there on that dance floor!

Holly said...

Is it a requirement to wear a name tag while square dancing in Cody? Cause if it is, Justin and I will be there! :)

Just the three of us...