Oh boy, did we have fun with our little Tag's circus birthday party! I decided to use a circus theme way back in October and was able to find lots of fun stuff along the way. Our Bishop was nice enough to let us use the church house, so we were able to have all the family together. We had hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, nachos, and a cotton candy maker we never got around to using.
These pics are all compliments of Uncle Brock, the assigned photographer for the event. Thanks bud!
Tag's adorable clown outfit. Yes, homemade, but I can't take the credit. My good pal/sewing teacher , Jamie, helped me every step of the way, and she sketched the pattern....amazing!
(he didn't love the hat, I have no idea why!?)
Ya, I'm pretty proud of these cakes. I found pictures online and just copied.
A centerpiece.
My funny clown again.
Just washin the cake down with some milk.
(These pics are kinda out of order...why is it so hard to upload pics on blogger?)
Diggin in.
Bathtime in the church kitchen sink.
(Notice face paint on Tag's cutie cousin Jayde. Aunt Karaline was assigned the circus face painter.)
Sweet Amoree Kate partying with clown nose in hand and girly face paint.
I had a bag for each of the kids with a clown nose, circus book, animal crackers, etc. I also made clown hats and let them each decorate their own. Here is Isaac dancing the night away.
What is a circus without a clown and dancing gorilla?
Dancing gorilla attacking my brother.
Despite the fact that the kids were all terrified of him at Halloween time, they LOVED it!!
What a lucky boy Tag is!
Cousin Savana dancing with the gorilla.
Wow! that looks like so much fun! You are such a cute mom
Look at you, you crafty mom!!! You did an awesome job. You'll have to help me with Ez's birthday.
i am histerically laughing at the last one! and man oh man don't i look like a hottie in the background!!
Oh my gosh, you really did go all out that looks like it was soo much fun! You have such cute ideas.
Looks like a fun party! You are so cute and creative! Tag was adorable. That is SO funny that jonathan came out dancing to that song, classic! And me and Clint love the bearded lady
That looks like it was a lot of fun. Cute cute cakes by the way. You are awesome!
Quick he needs more cake he is loosing his baby fat!!! Isn't it insane how fast they grow up!!
Wowsers! What a fun party! Your little Tag looks so cute in his clown costume!
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