Monday, June 30, 2008

Photo Shoot by Uncle Brock

My brother took these great pics of my boy. I just love em! Thanks bud!

Taggart recently had his 4 month check up. He weighs 18 lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long. 97th percentile for weight and 95th for height. He is so cute and proportioned!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Park City Mayhem

The Abel Family vay-kay to Park City was complete with swimming, shopping, good food, car problems through Parley's, and even a local celebrity. Last week we all packed up and headed to the poshest city in Utah. We did this last year and really enjoyed the chill time by the pool and opportunity for everyone to be together.

This fella really likes his grandma.

Sharing a surf board with Cousin Ivy.

More rolls than a baker....We covered the legs to keep you from getting hungry!

Resting in the park

Is this the biggest, saddest dog you've ever seen? I wanted to lay Tag on top of him for a pic, but I overheard the owner say he'd never been to the vet.

Walking down main

Ok, here's what you've been waiting for! Here I am with Nadine Wimmer, our very own Channel 5 news anchor. She lives in Park City and was taking her two boys out for ice cream on the trolley. What a nice lady! We chatted it up with her on our ride down main.

Tag had constant attention from his cousins as you can see from the following pictures. I think he's going to be bored with just me from now on.

Here's where the car trouble came in. On Friday we were headed to the Salt Lake Temple for my dear friend Anna's wedding. The car overheated as we went over Parley's, so we had to blast the heat and drive 35 mph until we made it to the Temple. Then, as we tried to make it to Layton for the reception it continued to overheat, despite our efforts of adding coolant. We made it to Bountiful (again blasting the heat and 35 mph) and drove around to 4 different mechanics until we found one that would look at it on a Friday evening at closing time. Long story short, it is still not fixed, but after our poor boy being such a trooper in the hot, sweaty car, we gave him a nakers break at a Bountiful church before we headed to Layton in the same manner we'd been driving all day. Stinkin German vehicles!

Happy Father's Day

The Friday before father's day we celebrated Jon's first with a scavenger hunt to a bunch of homemade cards, treats, pizza, and a friday night movie. It was a bit lame, but I enjoyed putting it together. He also got a new suit and tie, which he picked out on his own, so he kind of lacked any surprises. Sorry baby Daddy!
Jon is just the cutest dad. I love watching these two play. Jon's favorite thing to do with Tag is to wrestle him (not your average 4 month old play)! As you can see, he is working hard to help Tag learn to palm the ball.

Logan Zoo

For those of you who had no idea Logan had a zoo that is because by zoo I mean small park with a pond and lots of turtles! Alright, I am so not complaining, it was lots of fun and there was even a bobcat. A little more than a month ago, we headed up north to celebrate my niece, Ivy's, 1st birthday. This little zoo was a great idea for a fun and cost effective kids party (props to Nikki). I think the cost was a 50 cent contribution.

Here is the birthday girl enjoying her cake. She got much messier than this.
We got her a book. She's thrilled.....

Here are the Abels throwing some sort of dear feed to the fish.
Us with the pretty birthday girl.
What a cute Daddy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Taggart's Blessing

Taggart was blessed on May 4th, and you know what that calls for.... A picture of every possible combination with anyone of some sort of relation to the kid. I've saved you from looking at the same people again and again by about 25 pics, but heck enjoy the load I've posted.

All jokes aside, Jon gave Tag a beautiful blessing, and it was so special to have our dads, grandpas, brothers, and brother-in-laws in the circle. Thanks for all the support family!

Taggart Jonathan Bush (Taggart received his full name from each of these wonderful men, in this order!)

Just the three of us...