Friday, September 5, 2008

What?! I've been doing this for 12 years just to be more sexually-dimorphic?

A few days ago, I was preparing to shower and grumbling to myself about the need to shave. I have been genetically cursed with fast growing, dark, ugly, leg/armpit hair. I began wondering, "Why do we do this? Who began this crazy standard that women must remove every last strand of hair that does not grow on either their head, lashes, or perfectly trimmed eyebrows?" Being in the feministic mood I was (this comes and goes for me, the elections seem to bring it out) , I begin thinking, "I'm certain it was some man who owned a brothel and forced his, well "women" to shave. Then the scandalous men who patroned these brothels went home and convinced their unsuspecting wives to do the same, and now here we are decades later shaving, plucking, waxing, and now lasering our bodies to become free of our natural, God-given hair!"

Well, of course, I went to our trusty Wikipedia to search out my theory on shaving. Their theories aren't quite as colorful as mine, but here's what it says:
For women, the practice of shaving the legs derives from a current cultural standard in the West that deems leg hair on women unattractive. This standard emerged during the early twentieth century, as women's legs became more visible owing to shorter hemlines, and when the safety razor made the practice of leg shaving practical. The reasons for this cultural standard are debated, but it is sometimes seen as an example of a cultural mechanism for increasing sexual dimorphism. Others have suggested that it was promoted as a means of selling razors to a broader segment of the populace.
Ok, so let me now give the definition for sexual dimorphism:
Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex in the same species. Examples include size, color, and the presence or absence of parts of the body used in courtship displays or fights, such as ornamental feathers, horns, antlers or tusks.
So, we've pretty much been doing this to increase our already mountainous differences with our male counterparts, in hopes that they will desire to impregnate us, right? Isn't it enough that we already morph into huge pregnant beings to carry their offspring? Well, that won me over....I will certainly continue to shave.
Here are some more great tidbits from Wikipedia:
Some women, despite the social pressures that favor hairless legs in certain Western countries, never shave at all. While some refrain out of lack of concern, others consider leg and armpit shaving an unnatural and repressive societal double standard. Still others refrain in an effort to be less environmentally wasteful (anyone see "Without a Paddle?"). Research also suggests that women who do not shave their body hair are "characterized by higher global self-esteem." [1] Scholars suggest that this is because women with lower levels of self-esteem are less likely to be satisfied with their natural bodies, and thus more likely to alter them. [2] (Well, these Scholars can shove it.)
Most women begin the practice of leg-shaving at some point during adolescence. It can serve as an unofficial "rite of passage" in some countries. Yes, rite of passage. I almost forgot about my big 12 year birthday party where all my friends came and watched as I shaved my legs for the first time. Some of you were there, right?
And finally, here's a favorite:
Many women of East Asian descent have completely lost the ability to grow visible hair on their legs and thus have no need of leg shaving. What?! It's an ability? I'm pretty freaking talented then because my leg-hair-growing-ability is out of this world.
So, you're probably wondering, with all this ranting and raving, if I am going on strike with my leg shaving. No, I just can't do it. I couldn't handle it, and I really do want to be sexually dimorphic for the husband. Be honest, isn't this everyone's goal? I just wish, a long time ago, that the whole women shaving thing had never started and we and the males would not know any different. Who knows though, maybe hairy limbs will have a comeback along with beehive hair? I can only hope.
Oh, and just in case you're curious, those are my sexy, smooth legs in the top, right corner;) I had Jon take the pic.


Dee Dee said...

I LOVED your post! I feel the same way! You are so funny!

RicAnn said...

I wish I inherited the no leg hair gene! Man life would be so much better if we all went natural :) Lets try it for a in?

Brock said...

Someone has time their hands. Maybe you should find something you like to do, learn the massage trade like your ma-in-law. Let the massage wonderfullness begin!

Josh said...

Two words. LONG PANTS :)

Robbie and Shay said...

Jon's one heck of a photographer!! And Brock...What the heck - When did he grow up and learn to be funny!

AG said...

Oh my word. I am laughing so hard right now. I sure love you.

Just the three of us...