Thursday, October 2, 2008

Farewell to my abusive boyfriend….forever?

Timing belt $876.32
Little random gadgets $328.67
Water pump $423.50
Some random gadgets $624.20
Each and every “synthetic” oil change for the purring turbo engine $73.25
More random gadgets $420.28*
Moments spent within.....
Drive to Keith concert
Second "First" post mission kiss (10 pm, after release, in front of Bountiful Temple, "Come What May" playing in background, boy of my dreams, per-er-fect).
Wedding Day
Lola Baby ride (I wouldn't recommend this one).

Ride home from hospital with our sweet Tag Boy.

I did it. I said goodbye to my cute little Passat. I still love it to pieces and I'll never find a car I like as much. Some girls want Audis and Volvos, just give me my VW Passat and I'm happy. Jon has hated this things since the day he married me. Please don't think VWs are bad cars, you just have to be prepared to put in a lot of TLC due to the fact they have lots of cool, foreign parts. I got a little teary the night before as Jon was giving me the details of meeting the buyers at the credit union. Here is his consoling response:
"That car has been more like an abusive boyfriend to you. He's better looking than the other boys and gives a better ride, but he makes you pay for dinner."
So I say farewell to you, my abusive boyfriend. We must part due to your high maintenance and abusive tendencies. You were good and bad to me, but I shall only remember the good, and one day (when my husband is the CEO of some super cool business) I will find you and put up with the abuse for a few more good rides. Until then....
*possible slight exaggeration on the numbers:) I don't really know!


Erin said...

Tears! I remember when you got it and I remember all our love chats comparing our good times and abusive times. Feel lucky though. When Tyson is a CEO of a cool money maker. He said, "there is no way you can have a VW its like paying a luxury price for a piece of crap...between you and I I think he is just jealous of the "boyfriend." He laughed when I read him Jon's advise!
P.S we have not had to put a penny into either of our cars (knock on wood)other than gas and oil changes (just the normal kind). In fact the equinox made us a $1000 bucks when someone ran into it). so you do have happy days to look forward to.

Brock said...

This year has been a hard one. Lola, now this! My favorite memory was the morning dad hit it's back bumper and had to pay to have it fixed. (Note- the dent from this incident is still in my car.) Jon comment makes me laugh but I'm gonna miss that car!

Jillian said...

OK,I am laughing hard! You are too funny and that wonderful qoute by Jonathan is great! Thanks for the morning laugh :)

Trinity said...

You are too funny Melissa. So what did you get for trade in? Another abusive man or a great catch like Jon? That was pretty good reading. You are great!

Robbie and Shay said...

I think your numbers are quite accurate. Robbie's Jetta is a pain in the neck when it comes to oil change and parts.... So, have you found a more loving boyfriend - or are you and Jon sharing boyfriends for the time being?? ;)!!

Jessica said...

Melissa! What a cute blog! We had so much fun with you guys too! It sucks you guys live so far away but we need to hang out together more! And as you might have already noticed, I LOVE TAG and I want to steal him! haha. Hope you guys can make it on the 31st!

Holly said...

What a great analogy!!! I've never thought of a car that way but Jon's words were insightful! ha ha! I fell in love with a car once too, my pink Hyundai Accent named Pink Fluff. Luckily we sold her to my sister so she still remains in the family, I get to have a heart to heart with her every now and again and it feels good to reminisce about old times!

P.S. The guy in the Hawaiian shirt told me to tell you hi! he he! Just kidding! Jon told Justin you were worried about that, I wouldn't worry! :)

Andrew and Kathy said...

This post is super hillarious, I loved it. How is your cute little guy doing? I just wanted you to know that I am tagging you. I don't usually do these but this one has been pretty funny.

The White's said...

Melissa you crack me up, so have you looked at getting a new car or are you just going to stick with one for now. Hopefully you didn't sell it to the one guy who wanted you to drop the price way too much. Hopefully you made some money off of it. Jon is hilarious I wish I could be as witty as you guys, I love reading your blog. ;)

Just the three of us...