Friday, July 11, 2008

I would like to bear my testimony......

I don't do this far as often as I should in sacrament meeting, but I was very inspired by Elder Ballard's article in the Ensign this month about Sharing the Gospel Through the Internet. Elder Ballard encourages us to, "talk honestly and sincerely about the impact the gospel has had in your life...The audiences for these and other new media tools (such as blogs) may often be small, but the cumulative effect of thousands of such stories can be great. The combined effort is certainly worth the outcome if but a few are influenced by your words of faith and love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ."
So I decided I would post my testimony on my blog in hopes that just maybe someone may come across it with questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and be inspired to learn more.

I know this Church is the only true Church on the earth today. I know Jesus Christ died for me so that I have the opportunity to return to my Father in Heaven, and have my sins forgiven. I know that Jesus Christ lives and understands our deepest pain. I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for my life and has continually blessed me as I have strived to live in a way that would please Him. I know President Monson is a true apostle and prophet called by Heavenly Father to counsel and bless us today. I know the Book of Mormon is true and offers us hope and comfort in this world.
As I have grown, I have gained a strong testimony on the plan of salvation. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. By following his beautiful plan, despite any problems that may arise in our lives, we can feel of His love and awareness of us and still feel happy. I have experienced this many times in life and know he is aware of my struggles. I have felt disapointment over not getting into a school program, deep sadness from losing a loved one, worry over family members, anxiety and stress from day to day living. I know that my Savior has also felt this and can comfort me if I am willing to pray and listen.
I have been blessed to be born in a home where I was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been blessed with a beautiful little boy and a wonderful husband. I know we are being watched over. Being a mother and wife is a sacred and blessed calling. My Heavenly Father is aware of my desire to do my best in raising his child and providing a haven in our home. I am blessed by the opportunity to live so near to churches and temples. I am grateful for all of this and hope to do more to show my appreciation for the love I feel.

Ok, I am now tagging all of you!!! I would love to read each of your testimonies on your blogs. I know we can touch lives and be missionaries! Get busy!


Shawn, Megan, Cambree & Carson said...

Thank you so much for that Melissa, you truly have inspired me to start being better about the things God has instructed us to do. It is so easy to get swept up by the world and the things around you and your beautiful testimony, helped me to remember why I was really put on this earth for. I do not even remember the last time I have bore my testimony... isn't that a little sad?!

Anyways thanks again.

Just the three of us...