Friday, October 9, 2009

random cuteness from the last few months

This is what you get when I am a slacker and do not update forever! Lame Posts with random pictures. Enjoy!

Tag with his little buddy, Carter.
Why does he always insist on sharing this thing?

My flowers....surviving.
They were pretty much dead all summer,
so this picture makes me very happy.

Tag and Maliya dancing the night away!

Aunt Karaline's Bday party at Fat Cat's.

Shootin some hoops with Dad.

Hill Air Force Base museum.

Old friends:)

Tag, Carter, Aubrey, & Mia.

The one time I took a picture out of the 50 times this has happened.
When will I ever learn?
He is so proud.

I loved this little outfit with the shoes that never stayed on.

I saw this on a drive home one day.
21st street. That is the Ogden Temple to your right.
The reason my carpet sometimes gets peed on.


Jake & Karaline said...

Cute pics!

Trinity said...

He is so darling. He has so much hair. I love it!

The White's said...

So cute, I love all the pictures, especially the one with toilet paper strung all over, Carter tries but I am typically there to stop it, we've gotten pretty good at keeping the door always shut.

Kim said...

way cute pics

Just the three of us...